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What is concierge medicine?

Concierge medicine is an exciting and rapidly growing model for providing health care without the costly and time consuming bureaucracy of insurance companies. Instead, our patients pay us directly through a convenient and affordable membership plan. The typical cost amounts to approximately $5 a day.

This allows us to keep our practice small and provide you with highly accessible, personalized, and preventative care when you need it.  It’s like having your doctor available at the touch of a button.  Our focus on ensuring a strong and satisfying doctor -patient relationship is the key to helping you stay healthy.

It’s the way I’ve always wanted and expected to practice medicine!

How does our private medical practice differ from the average doctor’s office?

You will see and feel the difference immediately when you visit us at Preserve Health MD.  Our reception area is calm and inviting and our office staff is friendly.  You will experience very short, if any wait times to see me.  Office visits will never feel rushed so you can address all of your health concerns and questions with me.  Because my practice is limited to just a few hundred patients, I have the privilege of knowing all of my patients and can take the extra time for a proactive approach to your wellness.   My goal is to provide you and your family with an experience that will not just meet but exceed your expectations for a doctor’s office.

What does the membership plan include?

Your membership covers all of the primary care services we offer in our office. This includes in office visits, home and extended facility visits as necessary, hospital visits, minor office procedures, joint and trigger point injections, EKGs, diagnostic and wellness exams, phone calls, video conferencing and arrangement to see specialists with direct doctor to doctor communication.

I will be available nights and weekends so you can reach me wherever you are and whenever you need to via phone, email or text messaging.

You will enjoy greater convenience and peace of mind and may also find a reduced need for visits to specialists and the emergency department.

In addition, you will have direct access to your medical records and my personal cell phone number.

Who does the membership plan work best for?

It works especially well for those who want to participate in improving their health and staying well, including:

  • Patients desiring easy and direct communication with their doctor.
  • Patients who want a doctor to address the root cause of illness, not just treat the symptoms.
  • Those with high insurance premiums or high-deductible health plans.
  • Self–insured businesses seeking to provide their employees with affordable health care while improving their well-being – while simultaneously reducing healthcare spending.
Do you see me if I’m in the hospital?

I will make courtesy visits to the hospitals where I am on staff.  I will discuss your case daily with the hospitalist, review your plan of care, answer questions and make recommendations to make your stay as comfortable as possible.

In hospitals where I am not on staff I will directly communicate on a daily basis with the hospitalist.   Hospital admissions for serious medical problems are stressful and often confusing for patients and their families.  During hospital admissions, you will be assigned to a hospitalist with whom I am familiar and have established a working relationship.  These physicians are available in the hospital 24 hours a day and specialize only in hospital care.  I will act as your health care advocate and communicate with you and your loved ones.

Do you make home visits or nursing home visits?

Yes.  I will see patients in their home or nursing facility, rehab facility or ACLF in medically appropriate situations.  The decision is made on a case–by–case basis.

What if I need a specialist?

As your primary care physician, my extensive training allows me to handle most of your health care needs.  However, in the event that you do need to see a specialist, I will find the right doctor for you and make sure you know who you are seeing.  This referral process will include direct physician-to-physician consultation prior to your appointment with the specialist and direct coordination of your visit.

And after your appointment, if you have questions or concerns about your visit with your specialist, I will address these issues at an office appointment or by phone, email or video conferencing.

What if I need urgent care?

For problems that are not life threatening emergencies, you can contact me 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In most cases, I can diagnose and treat your need without a visit to the ER. In fact, concierge medicine has been shown to result in fewer ER visits for members because we can discuss your medical needs any time of the day or night.

If you have a life -threatening emergency, call 911 immediately. A family member or caregiver can call me later to alert me of your situation so I can be in contact with the emergency room.

What if my doctor is on vacation?

As a member of Preserve Health MD, you are never alone. Even when out of town, I will still be available by phone for your urgent needs. You will be notified by email prior to any vacations. If I am not available, I will have another trusted medical professional available to assist you for any urgent matters or to be seen in the office.

Do you bill insurance plans?

No. Our practice is designed to be unencumbered by the constraints and limited reimbursement of insurance plans so that we may better serve and care for our patients. You will NOT be charged for office visits or co-pays. You only pay the membership fee.

Can you see me if I have Medicare or health insurance?

Absolutely. Our health care model is particularly well designed to handle the more complex medical issues and medication management often associated with older patients. We can spend the time necessary to manage chronic disease and optimize your health and wellness.

Medical insurance is necessary for patients in the event of an unforeseen catastrophe. Still, many people are finding they can lower the cost of their total medical care by combining a high deductible health insurance plan with a membership based practice thus making private medicine quite affordable. Expect your insurance to pay for lab tests, mammograms, x-rays, durable medical equipment (DME), and specialist appointments. My services will be covered in the membership fee.

Do I still need to have health insurance?

Yes. My medical practice is NOT a health insurance program. It is very important to maintain insurance and/or Medicare to cover expensive, unusual and unpredictable events such as surgery, emergency room care, hospitalization, labs and x-rays. BUT NOT for everyday preventative primary care!

The current insurance based healthcare system actually makes primary care MORE expensive, difficult and less effective too. Our practice does the opposite. By charging a set fee, I can spend more time with you and focus on your individual health needs to maintain and improve your health. I want you to see me as often as you need to, because my goal is healthy and happy members!

How much is the membership fee?

The fee may be paid annually, semi-annually, quarterly or monthly (with a first 3 month minimum deposit).  The best part is, there are never any co-pays or deductibles to be met.

Can joining Preserve Health MD actually save me money?

For many of our patients it is very likely. As a primary care practice, PRESERVE HEALTH MD can handle the vast majority of your health issues and concerns.

Studies show that the concierge model of care reduces the need for unnecessary medications, more expensive testing and unnecessary referral to specialists. It is more likely to prevent unnecessary emergency room visits and hospitalizations. This results in saving you money and providing you better care.


Will I still benefit from being a member even if I don't expect to need frequent medical attention?

Absolutely. Many people believe they should only treat illness when it happens instead of identifying and preventing disease before it starts. The focus of PRESERVE HEALTH MD is not only to see you when you are ill, but to concentrate efforts on long-term health and wellness. I will carefully listen to you to understand how your life, work and family may be affecting your health. And I will work with you to come up with a personalized plan to achieve your optimal health and maintain your health goals. Plus there are advanced diagnostic tests that can help us identify risk factors and health issues before they cause disease, saving you money, time, suffering and high costs in the long run. Unlike the traditional practice environment, this practice has the time to deliver this type of comprehensive and detailed care.

Is there a limit to how many patients can join Preserve Health MD?

Yes. One of the most important aspects of private medicine is limiting the practice size to be able to devote more time and energy to each patient. Therefore, once we at PRESERVE HEALTH MD have reached our ideal practice size, a waiting list will be established.

What if I want to end my membership?

You are welcome to cancel your membership at any time as long as you give us 30 days notice. We will refund memberships paid for the full year at a prorated rate.

How do I become a member?

Find out on our Membership page.

Please remember that space is limited and members are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Once all available slots are filled, you will be added to our waiting list, so we encourage you to act quickly.

I am ready to join



Concierge medicine is an exciting and rapidly growing model for providing health care without the costly and time consuming bureaucracy of insurance companies. Instead, our patients pay us directly through a convenient and affordable membership plan. The typical cost amounts to approximately $5 a day.

This allows us to keep our practice small and provide you with highly accessible, personalized, and preventative care when you need it.  It’s like having your doctor available at the touch of a button.  Our focus on ensuring a strong and satisfying doctor -patient relationship is the key to helping you stay healthy.

It’s the way I’ve always wanted and expected to practice medicine!



You will see and feel the difference immediately when you visit us at Preserve Health MD.  Our reception area is calm and inviting and our office staff is friendly.  You will experience very short, if any wait times to see me.  Office visits will never feel rushed so you can address all of your health concerns and questions with me.  Because my practice is limited to just a few hundred patients, I have the privilege of knowing all of my patients and can take the extra time for a proactive approach to your wellness.   My goal is to provide you and your family with an experience that will not just meet but exceed your expectations for a doctor’s office.



Your membership covers all of the primary care services we offer in our office. This includes in office visits, home and extended facility visits as necessary, hospital visits, minor office procedures, joint and trigger point injections, EKGs, diagnostic and wellness exams, phone calls, video conferencing and arrangement to see specialists with direct doctor to doctor communication.

I will be available nights and weekends so you can reach me wherever you are and whenever you need to via phone, email or text messaging.

You will enjoy greater convenience and peace of mind and may also find a reduced need for visits to specialists and the emergency department.

In addition, you will have direct access to your medical records and my personal cell phone number.



It works especially well for those who want to participate in improving their health and staying well, including:

  • Patients desiring easy and direct communication with their doctor.
  • Patients who want a doctor to address the root cause of illness, not just treat the symptoms.
  • Those with high insurance premiums or high-deductible health plans.
  • Self–insured businesses seeking to provide their employees with affordable health care while improving their well-being – while simultaneously reducing healthcare spending.



I will make courtesy visits to the hospitals where I am on staff.  I will discuss your case daily with the hospitalist, review your plan of care, answer questions and make recommendations to make your stay as comfortable as possible.

In hospitals where I am not on staff I will directly communicate on a daily basis with the hospitalist.   Hospital admissions for serious medical problems are stressful and often confusing for patients and their families.  During hospital admissions, you will be assigned to a hospitalist with whom I am familiar and have established a working relationship.  These physicians are available in the hospital 24 hours a day and specialize only in hospital care.  I will act as your health care advocate and communicate with you and your loved ones.



Yes.  I will see patients in their home or nursing facility, rehab facility or ACLF in medically appropriate situations.  The decision is made on a case–by–case basis.



As your primary care physician, my extensive training allows me to handle most of your health care needs.  However, in the event that you do need to see a specialist, I will find the right doctor for you and make sure you know who you are seeing.  This referral process will include direct physician-to-physician consultation prior to your appointment with the specialist and direct coordination of your visit.

And after your appointment, if you have questions or concerns about your visit with your specialist, I will address these issues at an office appointment or by phone, email or video conferencing.



For problems that are not life threatening emergencies, you can contact me 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  In most cases, I can diagnose and treat your need without a visit to the ER.  In fact, concierge medicine has been shown to result in fewer ER visits for members because we can discuss your medical needs any time of the day or night.

If you have a life -threatening emergency, call 911 immediately.  A family member or caregiver can call me later to alert me of your situation so I can be in contact with the emergency room.



As a member of Preserve Health MD, you are never alone.  Even when out of town, I will still be available by phone for your urgent needs.  You will be notified by email prior to any vacations.  If I am not available, I will have another trusted medical professional available to assist you for any urgent matters or to be seen in the office.



No.  Our practice is designed to be unencumbered by the constraints and limited reimbursement of insurance plans so that we may better serve and care for our patients.  You will NOT be charged for office visits or co-pays.  You only pay the membership fee.



Absolutely.  Our health care model is particularly well designed to handle the more complex medical issues and medication management often associated with older patients.  We can spend the time necessary to manage chronic disease and optimize your health and wellness.

Medical insurance is necessary for patients in the event of an unforeseen catastrophe.  Still, many people are finding they can lower the cost of their total medical care by combining a high deductible health insurance plan with a membership based practice thus making private medicine quite affordable.  Expect your insurance to pay for lab tests, mammograms, x-rays, durable medical equipment (DME), and specialist appointments. My services will be covered in the membership fee.



Yes.  My medical practice is NOT a health insurance program.  It is very important to maintain insurance and/or Medicare to cover expensive, unusual and unpredictable events such as surgery, emergency room care, hospitalization, labs and x-rays.  BUT NOT for everyday preventative primary care!

The current insurance based healthcare system actually makes primary care MORE expensive, difficult and less effective too.  Our practice does the opposite.  By charging a set fee, I can spend more time with you and focus on your individual health needs to maintain and improve your health. I want you to see me as often as you need to, because my goal is healthy and happy members!



The fee may be paid annually, semi-annually, quarterly or monthly (with a first 3 month minimum deposit).  The best part is, there are never any co-pays or deductibles to be met. Please contact our office for our current pricing.

Join Us




For many of our patients it is very likely.  As a primary care practice, PRESERVE HEALTH MD can handle the vast majority of your health issues and concerns.

Studies show that the concierge model of care reduces the need for unnecessary medications, more expensive testing and unnecessary referral to specialists.  It is more likely to prevent unnecessary emergency room visits and hospitalizations.  This results in saving you money and providing you better care.



Absolutely.  Many people believe they should only treat illness when it happens instead of identifying and preventing disease before it starts.  The focus of PRESERVE HEALTH MD is not only to see you when you are ill, but to concentrate efforts on long-term health and wellness.  I will carefully listen to you to understand how your life, work and family may be affecting your health.  And I will work with you to come up with a personalized plan to achieve your optimal health and maintain your health goals. Plus there are advanced diagnostic tests that can help us identify risk factors and health issues before they cause disease, saving you money, time, suffering and high costs in the long run. Unlike the traditional practice environment, this practice has the time to deliver this type of comprehensive and detailed care.



Yes.  One of the most important aspects of private medicine is limiting the practice size to be able to devote more time and energy to each patient. Therefore, once we at PRESERVE HEALTH MD have reached our ideal practice size, a waiting list will be established.



You are welcome to cancel your membership at any time as long as you give us 30 days notice.  We will refund memberships paid for the full year at a prorated rate.



Find out on our Membership page.

Please remember that space is limited and members are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Once all available slots are filled, you will be added to our waiting list, so we encourage you to act quickly.


I am ready to join